Shaykh Saalih Aal al-Shaykh Clarifying Statement of Ibn Taymiyyah Regarding Requesting the Dead's Supplication and Bid'ah
Friday, July 26 2013 - by Abu.Iyaad
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During his explanation of Kashf al-Shubuhaat, Shaykh Saalih Aal al-Shaykh was asked a question regarding some statements of Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullaah):

ما رأيك فيمن ينسب لشيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية أن سؤال الميت أن يدعو الله لك ليس من الشرك الأكبر بل هو بدعة؟

What is your view regarding the one who ascribes to Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah that asking the dead to supplicate Allaah (for him) is not from the Major shirk but only an innovation?

The Shaykh answered:

هذا جاء في كلام شيخ الإسلام صحيح لكن البدعة يريد بها البدعة الحادثة؛ يعني التي حدثت في هذا الأمة، وليس مراده رحمه الله بالبدعة أنها البدعة التي ليست شركا لأن البدع التي حدثت في الأمة منها بدع كفرية شركية ومنها بدع دون ذلك فإذن قوله: وأما سؤال الميت أن يدعو الله للسائل فإنه بدعة. يعني هذا حدث في هذه الأمة حتى أهل الجاهلية ما يفعلون هذا، ما يقولون أدعو الله لنا، إنما يقولون اشفع لنا. فمسألة أن يطلب من الميت الدعاء هذه بدعة حدثت، حتى المشركين ليست عندهم، وأهل الجاهلية ليست عندهم بل حدثت في هذه الأمة، وإنما كان عند أهل الجاهلية الطلب بلفظ الشفاعة اشفع لنا، يأتون ويتقربون لأجل أن يشفع، يتعبدون لأجل أن يشفع أو يخاطبونه بالشفاعة ويقولون اشفع لنا بكذا وكذا، أما أدع الله لنا هذه بدعة حدثت في الأمة. فكلام شيخ الإسلام صحيح أنها بدعة محدثة، وكونها بدعة لا يعني أن لا تكون شركا أكبر، فبناء القباب على القبور وسؤال أصحابها والتوجه إليها على هذا النحو الذي تراه من مشاهد والحج إلى هذه المشاهد وجعل لها مناسك كلها بدعة، نقول بدعة حدثت في هذه الأمة، وهي يعني سؤال أصحاب هذه المشاهد والذبح لها وعلى هذا النحو الموجود لم يكن موجودا في الجاهلية على هذا النحو، وإنما كانت عبادتهم للأموات على شكل أصنام وأوثان والتجاء للقبور وأشباه ذلك؛ لكن ليس على هذا النحو، فلم يكن أهل الجاهلية يحجون كالحج إلى بيت الله الحرام يحجون إلى مشهد أو إلى قبر أو ما أشبه ذلك.نقول هذه بدعة؛ لكن هل يعني أن هذا ليس شركا أكبر؛ لا؟ لأن البدع منها ما هو مكفِّر

Correct, this (wording) has come in the speech of Shaykh al-Islaam, however, innovation (bid'ah), he intends by this the newly arising innovation, meaning that which occurred in this ummah [i.e. he intends to show that it is newly-arising affair in the ummah not known prior] and it is not his intent (rahimahullah) through the word "bid'ah" that it is the bid'ah that is not shirk, because the innovations that occurred in the Ummah, from them are innovations which are kufr and shirk and amongst them are those which are less than that. Hence, his saying, "As for asking the dead to supplicate to Allaah for the questioner, then it is a bid'ah" he means that this is a newly-arising affair in this ummah, until even the people of Jaahiliyyah did not used to do this. They would not say, "Call upon Allaah for us," they would say, "Intercede for us." Hence, the issue of asking the dead to supplicate, this is an innovation that arose, until even amongst the pagans, it was not something (found) with them. The people of Jaahiliyyah, it was not (found) with them, rather it arose in this ummah (as something new). With the people of Jaahiliyyah it used to be a request through the word of "shafaa'ah" (intercession), "intercede for us", they would come, seek nearness (to the deity) so that he intercedes (for them), they would give devotion so that he would intercede for them, or they would address him with the issue of intercession, "intercede for us with such and such and such and such."

As for "supplicate to Allaah for us", this is an innovation that occurred in the ummah. Hence, the saying of Shaykh al-Islaam is correct in that it is a newly-arising innovation, and that it is a bid'ah does not mean it is not major shirk. For building domes upon graves and asking their inhabitants and turning towards them upon this manner that you see in the various shrines (mashaahid) and making pilgrimage to these shrines and setting up rituals all of it is an innovation, we say it is an innovation that occurred in this ummah, and he means that asking the inhabitants of these shrines, sacrificing to them, upon this manner that is present, it was not present in Jaahiliyyah in this manner. Their worship of the dead represented by idols and statues and turning to their graves and what resembles that, but it was not upon this (innovated) way.

The people of Jaahiliyyah would not make pilgrimage to a shrine, or a grave or what resembles this just like Hajj (is made) to the Sacred House of Allaah, we say that this is an innovation. However, does this mean that it is not Major Shirk? No, because from the innovations are those which expel from Islaam.

Cassette: Sharh Kashf al-Shubuhaat.

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